Horn Academy Somalia is working with the state, communities and traditional leaders to drive development that goes beyond economic growth and quick win interventions; development which ensures that the population benefits from inclusive, equitable and accountable governance, improved services, human security, access to justice and respect for human rights.
The expected outcome of Horn Academy’s program interventions:-
- Somali men and women are better able to build peace and manage conflict.
- ‐ Somali women, men, girls and boys benefit from more inclusive, equitable and accountable governance, improved services, human security, access to justice and human rights.
Horn Academy-Somalia has sub-contracted the Low value Grant “Enhancing youth’s engagement in Human rights, Justice and Electoral issues “in November, 2019 to 30 April, 2020 funded by UNDP-Somalia
The grant is aimed to support activities that promote youth’s engagement in the human rights, justice and electoral activities. IT will be used to support two pronged approaches with overlaid activities; panel discussion, and training capacity building on the three areas of the focus; human rights, electoral participation, justice especially for those behind the bars based on the international practices and standing law regarding he rights of the accused and imprisoned person.